Publikationen für die Bildung
Wenn wir für Medienplattformen schreiben, können wir ein breiteres Publikum erreichen, darunter Landwirt:innen, politische Entscheidungsträger:innen, Umweltschützer:innen und Verbraucher:innen. Es kann uns helfen, unsere innovativen Lösungen und Technologien zur Verbesserung der Bodenqualität und zur Förderung nachhaltiger landwirtschaftlicher Praktiken zu präsentieren. Indem wir Artikel und Inhalte zu bodenbezogenen Themen beitragen, positionieren wir uns als Vordenkerin in der Branche, ziehen potenzielle Investor:innen, Partner:innen und Kund:innen an und schaffen Glaubwürdigkeit und Vertrauen bei den Beteiligten.
The Important Connection of Healthy Soil and ESG & Sustainability
The concept of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors has gained significant traction in the investment industry. Investors are increasingly recognizing the importance of considering sustainability and responsible business practices in their investment decisions. While ESG factors traditionally focus on environmental and social issues, the connection between healthy soil and ESG investing is often overlooked. This article aims to highlight the crucial link between healthy soil and ESG & sustainability investing. Read more here
Carbon storage in soils: The persistent guardian of the carbon cycle
The carbon cycle is a crucial process that regulates the Earth’s climate and sustains life on our planet. While carbon is commonly associated with the atmosphere and vegetation, the role of soils in carbon storage is often overlooked. Yet, soils serve as a vital reservoir, storing carbon for extended periods and offering numerous benefits to the environment and human societies. In this article, we will explore the significance of carbon storage in soils and highlight the persistence of this storage compared to vegetation-related fluxes in the carbon cycle. Explore more here