What is in it for us?

With companies, we make a difference in the dirt that makes our planet thrive! But soil is more than just a layer of dirt; it's a complex ecosystem that is home to all living species. It plays a crucial role in regulating the climate, purifying water, and producing food.


    Challenges facing soil

    Despite its importance, soil is facing numerous challenges. Soil erosion, caused by intense rainfall and poor land management practices, is a major concern. Soil degradation can lead to reduced fertility, decreased crop yields, and increased greenhouse gas emissions. The loss of organic matter in soil can also exacerbate the problem of climate change. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach that involves companies, policymakers, farmers, researchers, and individuals working together to develop sustainable practices that promote healthy soils for a food-secure future.

    Companies taking action

    In response to these challenges, companies are adopting innovative approaches to conserve and restore soil health. Some companies are promoting regenerative agriculture practices that prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. This approach involves using techniques such as reduced-till farming, cover cropping, and integrating various perennial plants. Some companies are committing to sustainable land use practices that prioritize forest conservation and reforestation. This includes for instance sourcing cocoa beans from sustainable suppliers and supporting reforestation efforts in regions where their products are grown.

    What is in it for us?

    The health of our planet depends on the health of our soil. As companies continue to innovate and adopt sustainable practices, we can expect to see significant improvements in soil conservation and restoration. By working together, we can ensure that future generations inherit a fertile foundation for food production, climate regulation, and biodiversity. By investing in soil health, companies can ensure long-term sustainability of their operations, as healthy soils are more resistant to degradation and can maintain productivity over time. Prioritizing soil health can have numerous benefits for all of us, from increased profitability to environmental sustainability, enhanced food quality and preserving habitat for other animals and plants to live.