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We were very excited when we found the invitation email from ChangeNOW in our inbox. They wanted to have us at their Summit 2023 in Paris. The only thing we needed to do was to apply. And it was worth it! What a great event, three exciting days!
Thank you for encouraging us to participate in exciting panel discussions, pitch sessions and the exhibition!

Now you may ask yourself, why the topic of soil is so relevant? And why a startup in this field? The issue we are addressing is a big one. But the attention and presence of the topic in the media and peoples’ heads is not enough. Our world population will grow to 10 billion people by 2050 and possibly even more by the end of the century. At the same time, we are losing 10 million hectares of good soil every year. That’s 14 million football fields. With soils we lose plants, animals, and forests. A lot of biodiversity dies. When the soil is bad, the quality of our food is also bad. Also, farmers earn less and less.
But we didn’t only address all the problems. Over the past three years, we developed betterSoil to work on solutions. Based on an extensive literature review we developed four principles that regenerate and improve soil health: Soil Management, Agroforestry, Compost and Biochar. We are also transforming biowaste into superfoods for healthy soils. This is our betterSoil Booster. A combination of biochar and compost.
When people visited our booth at ChangeNOW, they saw how the booster absorbed water. They touched and smelled a good compost. And they liked it because it smells like the ground of a healthy forest. At our booth, we addressed these important connections between soils, biodiversity, farmers' income, climate change and flood protection on our wall. Many visitors found the topic important, and many investors were interested in this form of soil regeneration. To scale regenerative solutions, we need business models that work. We develop them with our startups in Kenia, Malawi and Iran.
Is great that you engage with us on better soils! For us, ChangeNOW was just the beginning. Let’s work this path together.