betterSoil in Vienna
Is soil also an issue? Talking about sustainability, aspects of energy, climate and prosperity are often addressed. The important role of soils is oftentimes missing. At the International Vienna Energy and Climate Forum (IVECF) at Hofburg on November 2 and 3, betterSoil stressed the importance of soils on stage.

Private sector or politics
Private sector or policy makers? More money or better rules? It makes no sense to think in those categories. There are thousands of companies operating in the energy and agricultural sectors, and there are states that set the rules for these markets. But the climate is changing, and in this respect we are all in the same boat! That is why everyone is called upon to make a contribution to a more stable world. The question is rather how, not about either or.
Women changemaker
Azadeh was nominated as one of “women changemaker” at International Vienna Energy and Climate Forum (IVECF) 2023 to present her thematic solution. The IVECF was very important for us! And we took the chance to present soils as the innovative solution they are! The forum was jointly organized by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Austrian government and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). Soil can contribute to better adaptation to and mitigation of climate change worldwide. It has the potential to be used as a catalyst to contribute to achieving sustainable development and climate goals at the same time.
Alliances for innovation
But agriculture and nature-based solutions were not the only topics at IVECF. Energy and energy accessibility was in the focus as well. Here, it makes no sense to ask whether renewable energy OR carbon capture technologies, batteries OR synthetic fuels for combustion engine vehicles are better OR whether natural carbon sequestration shall be focused on to achieve our global climate goals.
We can discuss the details, such as where, when, how and how much, but it is important to include all available options. To achieve the climate goals and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we need to form more and stronger alliances to work together. Face-to-face meetings are crucial to bring different stakeholders together, form multi-stakeholder partnerships, build trust and foster optimism. These were our key takeaways from the International Vienna Energy and Climate Forum.