betterSoil at GFFA in Berlin
It was important that we were part of the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture and Grüne Woche in Berlin. This exhibition provides a unique opportunity to showcase the importance of soil in sustainable agriculture. We were selected to take part in the GFFA Innovation Forum because better and healthy soil plays a crucial role in agriculture, e.g. for nutrient cycling, water filtration and plant growth.

betterSoil part of Innovation Forum
We were selected to take part in the GFFA Innovation Forum. Soil plays a crucial role in agriculture, e.g. for nutrient cycling, water filtration and plant growth. It is an innovative solution for mitigating and adapting to climate change. By emphasising the importance of soil health, we have raised awareness of the need for responsible soil management. We emphasised that this exhibition serves as a platform to educate and inspire farmers, policy makers and the general public about the important role of soil in ensuring food security, promoting biodiversity and mitigating climate change.
betterSoil goes Japan?
We had a very interested visitor from Japan at the GFFA and the Green Week. We had an intensive discussion with him about improving soil health based on the four betterSoil principles. It was a very good conversation. He was interested in the topic of humus building and how to do it. And not only that. He asked several questions, e.g. what compost does and why soils need compost. Why biochar is important and what biochar is. He was surprised that farmers can increase the water storage capacity of the soil and survive the long dry periods. He was pleased that farmers can achieve higher yields when soils are healthier.
betterSoil and UNIDO
It was good to meet Olaf Deutschbein from United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). We truly believe that improving soil health makes a world without hunger possible, and that is also the goal of UNIDO. Healthy soils are able to produce more food and feed for the growing population, and we emphasised this in our conversation with UNIDO. Let's see how we can work together to realise this vision.
betterSoil meets her role model
Some moments are unique. It was a great pleasure and surprise for us to meet the pioneers of SEKEM from Egypt. How Helmy and Konstanze Abouleish create fertile soil in the desert is nothing than hard work and a lot of hope. Impossible turns to possible! They have turned the desert into a place like heaven for people, birds, biodiversity with a better climate and environment. By building up humus, they have removed large quantities of CO2 from the atmosphere and bound it in the soil. They are one of our role models since the germination of betterSoil and we will visit them in Egypt this year. Hats off to Helmy and Konstanze and we will stay tuned!