Better Soils
A healthy soil is strong, fertile, and full of life. We show you that everyone can help improve our soils. Higher quality of soil increases yields and protects the climate and environment. Whether you're in a small garden or on a large farm, you can increase humus content in your soil with betterSoil's four principles: soil treatment, compost, biochar, and agroforestry.

Looking at the Big Picture
Better soils are the basis for a reliable food source for our (ever) growing human population. Soils rich in life can withstand the extreme weather conditions driven by climate change. They use the soil’s ecosystem rather than work against it. The concept of better soil is an integral and systemic approach that looks at the big picture without ignoring the necessary components. It combines economic viability with sustainable practices, craftsmanship with respect for nature, and scientific research with a globally oriented approach to climate change.
Soil as the largest CO2-reservoir on land
The most surprising benefit of better soil is the fixation (sequestration) of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon is stored in the soil through the constant interaction between the atmosphere, plants, and soil microorganisms. The four principles help facilitate this process, making soils as a carbon sink a real 'game changer' in the fight against climate change and for sustainable food production in agriculture. This links global action with local efforts. Ultimately, everyone can create better soil anywhere in the world.
The 4 Principles
Better soil can be achieved anywhere in the world with the help of four simple principles: appropriate soil treatment and agroforestry, and the use of compost and biochar. These principles lead to consistent and sustainable humus development. Humus is the magic ingredient that unlocks the enormous potential of better soil. It is a natural storehouse of water and nutrients, and also provides crops with a healthy habitat of microorganisms. This not only increases crop yields but also protects against extreme weather conditions and balances the mineral composition of the soil. The soil becomes a living and resilient organism working for the common good by producing greater yields and food security.