Kenya Start-Up

Low fertility and inefficient soil treatment are the biggest challenges Kenyan farmers face. At the same time, cooperative models have been a success factor in achieving ambitious sustainability goals in the past.


More wealth in Kenya through more agriculture

~ 0 million people live in Kenya
0 % of the population are farmers
0 % are small-scale farmers with less than 3 hectare
0 % average economic growth from 2015-2019

The Team in Kenya

Vincent and Kevin have international work experience in Germany, Finland, the Netherlands, and of course their home country Kenya. Their academic profiles go to the core of the betterSoil approach. Since they know the local farmers and their challenges well, they know exactly where to start to improve the situation of their families

Vincent Ayugi.png
Dr. Vincent Ayugi Program Manager E-Mail LinkedIn
Prof. Dr. Kevin Mganga Scientific Consultant E-Mail LinkedIn

Our approach

betterSoil has already registered a company in Kenya. Our team is eagerly awaiting the first funding to demonstrate the effectiveness of betterSoil's soil improvement principles to farmers in pilot projects. The Kenya Agriculture Carbon Project (KACP) has shown that this is possible on a large scale. betterSoil is working to link these results with economic success and business models to scale up soil improvement in Kenya.